NYSNLA at the Great New York State Fair - August 2024
A Successful Summer Celebration & Court of Honor  


The Great New York State Fair opened on August 21 and, once again, we held our Court of Honor. Throughout the Fair's run, NYSNLA has been present in our maintenance of the Courtyard and promoting New York State's incredible nursery and landscape professionals through our interpretive signage with QR codes that bring viewers to informative pages on NYSNLA's website.

Our 2024 Annual Award Recipients

of the Year
Hall of Fame

Steven S. Sypniewski,
Lifetime CNLP

Anthony Caggiano,
Lifetime CNLP
From Region 6 / PlantWNY  From Region 1 / PlantLI

Also Being Awarded: The President's Award

President Elizabeth Snyder will present the NYSNLA President’s Award to three exemplary Educators whose commitment and collaboration with NYSNLA is improving the mission of the association and advancing the Green Industry in New York State.

Carolyn A. Stanko, Senior CNLP
SUNY Niagara
Adam J. Olinski, CNLP
SUNY Morrisville
Jonathan M. Lehrer, PhD
Farmingdale State College

Scenes from This Year's Court of Honor - 2024

It was a great day in Syracuse as NYSNLA members, supporters, Honorees' families, friends and colleagues, and members of the general public came together for our annual marquee event.

Click here to view/download our Court of Honor Program.

Please check out all those who helped prepare the NYSNLA Courtyard for our event!

We had the Courtyard all ready to go--but Mother Nature had other plans! A heavy rain front came through, forcing us to to move the ceremony inside. We were grateful for everyone's assistance in making the quick move!

Being inside the Horticulture Building for the Ceremony allowed all those enjoying the exhibits and vendors to hear about our honorees--and the value of hiring a Certified Nursery and Landscape Professional for their landscape needs!

CNLP of the Year Steven S. Sypniewski, Lifetime CNLP, with NYSNLA President Elizabeth Snyder,
Senior CNLP, (left) and NYSNLA Vice President Beth Fry, Senior Lifetime CNLP (right).

Hall of Fame Inductee Anthony Caggiano, Lifetime CNLP, with NYSNLA President Elizabeth Snyder, 
Senior CNLP (left) and NYSNLA Immediate Past President Melissa Caggiano, CNLP (right).

NYSNLA President’s Award recipients Professor Adam Olinski of SUNY Morrisville (center) and
Professor Carolyn Stanko of SUNY Niagara (second from right) are congratulated by
NYSNLA Professional Development Committee Co-Chairs, Jerry Parmenter, Senior CNLP
and Beth Fry, Senior Lifetime CNLP (left) and NYSNLA President Elizabeth Snyder, Senior CNLP.   

 CNLP of the Year Steven S. Sypniewski, Lifetime CNLP, being congratulated by his
family members, guests and fellow PlantWNY-Region 6 colleagues.

Hall of Fame Inductee Anthony Caggiano, Lifetime CNLP, being congratulated by his family, friends,
and members of Plant Connection, Jamesport Farm Brewery, and colleagues from Long Island.

The evening before the Court of Honor, NYSNLA held its Summer Celebration, where the Board of Directors, members and supporters came together to meet our Honorees, get caught-up and enjoy good food and company... 

Our Courtyard Plan - A Sensory Garden

NYSNLA has, once again, transformed the Courtyard of the Horticulture Building into a Sensory Garden, where the public can enjoy experiencing and learning about this type of garden as they take in the Fairgrounds. 

What is a Sensory Garden? A sensory garden is a garden that has a collection of plants and other elements that are appealing to move or more of the five senses: sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. Sensory gardens should be accessible for all people to enjoyed--disabled and non-disabled.  

Learn More About Sensory Gardens  

If you have any questions about our State Fair activities or the Court of Honor,
please contact the NYSNLA Office at:
518-580-4063 or
[email protected]