Virtual Education Series 2022
NYSNLA and the Regions are not going to be stopped by Omicron from bringing you quality professional development, networking and camaraderie! It's all come together and we are following the format we successfully used last year! Please join us for our Virtual Education Series 2022! See details below--and watch this page for further developments in the days ahead! Thank you!

Our Series Schedule
Upcoming Sessions:
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 - from Region 8/PlantSTNY
Region 8/PlantSTNY Virtual Education Day Wednesday, March 2, 2022 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. Via Zoom
Credits Available for Attendees: 2.0 CNLP Credits
9:15 - 10:15 a.m. Social Media Best Practices (For the Green Industry) with Kelly Dowell
This session will describe best practices for each of the primary social media channels with practical tips attendees can implement right away to stand out.
1. Foundation: How to Develop a Content Calendar
2. Execution: Practical Tips for Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
3. Analysis: Understanding Your Results
Learn about what is working for Keldo Digital’s clients, identify what tools you can use to be more successful, and explore the use of ads: how to get the best bang for your buck. Bonus tips for the more seasoned social media pro will be shared throughout the session. Kelly has over 15 years of experience working at a residential landscape maintenance company in St. Louis, Missouri. Starting young plowing snow with her dad and mailing invoices with her mom - she was quite literally born into the green industry.
Since those early days, she’s trail-blazed nearly every position, experiencing all angles of what it takes to run a successful business. As an extrovert, she naturally gravitates to sales and marketing, but became passionate about understanding how to establish systems, then hire and train others to multiply the rewards.
In 2017, Kelly won Lawn and Landscape’s Emerging Leader Award which encouraged her to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams of creating Keldo Digital, a marketing and consulting agency specifically for the green industry. Now, she wakes up excited to help companies use technology to develop sales, marketing, and recruiting solutions that fit their individual needs.
Kelly holds a degree in Business Administration from Lindenwood University along with several certifications from N.A.L.P., Hubspot, Facebook, & Google. She has served as a mentor with the “Big Brothers Big Sisters Program” for over 9 years and volunteers regularly with The Junior League.
On a personal level, Kelly loves being outdoors and trying new things. She recently moved to St. Petersburg, Florida where she is training for a 100-mile bike ride, learning to play beach volleyball, and pursuing her Skydiving License.
Short Break
10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Leaders and Laterals; a Simplified Conceptual Approach to Pruning with Leon Ginenthal
Der Rosenmeister is the story of a hobby run amok!
My grandmother, Sadie Wheat, loved growing roses. When she died, I got a cutting from one of her roses, a once blooming rambler, Dr. Van Fleet. It was while trying to identify it that I got hooked on roses.
Der Rosenmeister officially began in April 2003 in the backyard of our home in downtown Ithaca. Needing more room to grow, we moved to our current location in 2003 on three acres of land just south of the City of Ithaca in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State.
Past Sessions:
NYSNLA Virtual Educational Symposium
February 2, 2022
Credits: 4.0 CNLP Credits; .5 DEC Credit CORE; ISA Credits Pending
Welcoming Remarks & Sponsor Acknowledgements by NYSNLA President Karl Naegler
NYSNLA Virtual Lobby Day – Meet with New York State Government & Regulatory Leaders Facilitated by Advocacy Committee Chair Melissa Caggiano Includes: View from Albany by Our elected Representatives + COVID-19, DEC, DOT, DOL and other State Agency Updates Featuring: Senator Michelle Hinchey, Chair – Senate Agriculture Committee Assembly Member Donna Lupardo, Chair – Assembly Agriculture Committee + Jeff Williams from NYFB Margaret Kelly, Ag & Markets Plant Division Scott Menrath, DEC (Pesticide Licensing)
Session: Top 10 OSHA Citations with Michael J. Halter, MS, CSP, CPCU, Director of Loss Control, Haylor, Freyer & Coon An overview of the most frequently standards cited by OSHA, the potential impact on NYSNLA members, how to be prepared for and respond to an OSHA inspection.Final Session – Designs for the Future with Dan Schied, Director - Grounds at Cornell University A presentation and discussion of sustainable landscape practices given the future possibility of herbicide and gas powered engine restrictions.
Updates & Wrap-Up Introduction of Officers, Overview of 2022 Plans/Programs, Membership Resources Quick Tour Region 6/PlantWNY Virtual Education Day
February 3, 2022
Credits: 2.0 CNLP Credits; 1.0 DEC Credit 3A; ISA Credits Pending
Welcoming & Introductions
9:00 – 10:00 am New Plant Introductions for ’22 for Landscapers and Garden Centers with Tim Zimmerman, CNLP Credits: CNLP
Tim Zimmerman, CNLP, will be highlighting new shrubs and perennials that are making their garden center debut in 2022 and a few recent introductions you will want to be sure to have on hand and use in your landscape designs.
Tim Zimmerman is a sales representative for The Robert Baker Company and Medford Nursery, serving Western and Central NYS and NW PA. He assists nurseries, garden centers, and landscape contractors with plant selection and procurement for sale and installation. Tim spent 16 years as a landscape designer and estimator in WNY, 13 of those while serving as the landscape manager with Menne Nursery in Amherst, NY. His projects have been honored with PLANT WNY and NYSNLA awards and have been profiled in Nursery Lines Magazine.
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Invasion of Foreign Pests with Tom Mitchell
Tom Mitchell will present identification and control techniques for foreign pests. Tom is presently teaching horticulture at Niagara County Community College and previously taught horticulture at McKinley High School for 33 years. Tom teaches the plant protection class at NCCC which results in the 30 hour certification needed to take the state pesticide exam. Tom is the owner of Mitchell Landscaping Inc. Mitchell Landscaping specializes in landscape maintenance. Tom is a past president of the NYS Agriculture Teachers Association and PLANT WNY and served as trustee of the WNYSNLA Foundation.
Thursday, February 10, 2022 - from Region 5/PlantGFLX
Region 5/PlantGFLX Virtual Education Day Thursday, February 10, 2022 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Via Zoom
Credits Available for Attendees: See below for each presentation.
9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Brian Eshenaur What to Watch for in 2022: Invasive Landscape Pests Making Their Way to Western NY Credits: NYS DEC 10, 25, 3a - 1 credit; CNLP- 1 credit There are some new and familiar pests that should be on our radar this coming growing seas season. They range from spotted lanternfly to box tree moth, zigzag sawfly, and beech leaf disease. In addition, there’s been a resurgence of gypsy moth in Western NY. All of these pests have their unique habitats, and each can pose problems in our landscapes. In this session we’ll take a look at the symptoms, the pest’s life cycle and discuss the damage they can cause. Particular attention will be focused on IPM approaches along with pesticide treatments so these pests can be managed with environmentally friendly techniques.
Short Break
10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Deer Management: New Deer Repellent, Fencing Options, and Selection of Deer-Resistant Plants with Paul Curtis Credits: NYS DEC 10, 25, 3a - 1 credit; CNLP- 1 credit This session will cover repellents, fencing, plant selection and other methods for reducing deer damage to plants. The focus will be on methods appropriate for home landscapes in suburban communities.
Short Break
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Biocontrol in Landscapes as part of an IPM Strategy with Elizabeth Lamb Credits: NYS DEC 10, 25, 3a - 1 credit; CNLP- 1 credit Beneficial insects are present throughout the landscape—providing free labor in the work of pest management. How can you encourage them and increase their numbers to reduce your need for pesticides? We’ll talk about methods for enhancing their environment and even the potential for adding commercially produced beneficial species as it fits into your IPM strategy.
ABOUT THE SPEAKERS: Brian Eshenaur - Senior Extension Associate, NYS Integrated Pest Management Program Brian has a bachelor’s degree in horticulture and a master’s in plant pathology.
Paul Curtis - Extension Wildlife Specialist in the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University. Dr. Curtis serves as Extension Wildlife Specialist in the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University. He has coordinated the Wildlife Damage Management Program during the past 29 years. His applied research and extension programs have focused on reducing human-wildlife conflicts in agricultural and suburban landscapes. His work includes community-based wildlife management issues and public policy education.
Elizabeth Lamb - Coordinator for Ornamental Crops, NYS Integrated Pest Management Program Elizabeth works with greenhouse, nursery, Christmas tree, and landscape professionals to find effective pest management solutions that also protect New York State’s people and environment.
Thursday, February 17, 2022 - from Region 4/PlantCNY
Region 4/PlantCNY Virtual Education Day Thursday, February 17, 2022 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Via Zoom
Welcoming & Introductions
11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Roots and the plants who love them: A chat on something that can be hard to see and challenging to explain to a client with Jason Grabosky - Rutgers University
CREDITS - Updated! CNLP: 2 DEC:1.5 (2,10,3a,25,6a) ISA: Certified Arborist- 2, Municipal Specialist- 2, BCMA-Science- 1, BCMA- Practice- .5, BCMA- Management - .5
DESCRIPTION: Unless you have a set of DC-Universe super-person x-ray eyes, it is unlikely that you can easily observe roots in a landscape while walking the site with a client. For those reasons, two things are immediately apparent, we make a good number of assumptions to simplify our professional lives, and we tend to look for easier observations above ground to make inferences or outright guesses at what is happening below ground. Let’s talk about that….. There are some methods (mostly for larger roots systems like trees) to locate and map root systems. There is a substantial and increasing literature on root research, we have several tools at our disposal if we think to use them or if we can justify their use to the client. This presentation will stress the importance of having a method of observation to then notice patterns more readily (for the landscape professional). We then use this method to better communicate to the client and provide a more professional and consistent service in our billing practice. Connecting the two in conversation/consultation with the client suggests this talk will focus on some basics of root morphology and root function in a practical manner. This talk will work to focus on both patterns in colonization strategies of shrubs and then focus on trees since there are risk factors if a tree fails from root issues, particularly in wind storms. Knowing a bit about roots can helps us better address questions of risk with a client. Also, understanding, or having a process of checking for roots can better target pesticide, amendment, bio-product or fertilizer dosing and placement for a more efficacious application. Finally, as time and audience questions allow, the topic will turn toward roots and pavement design.
BIO: Jason Grabosky is professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources at Rutgers University as the John and Eleanor Kuser, Endowed Faculty Scholar in Urban and Community Forestry. Dr. Grabosky teaches classes in tree care, forest ecology and urban forestry. His research is very general in its approach, but focuses most often on urban tree growth and management.
Short Break
12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Spotted Lantern Fly, Box Tree Moth and Elm Zigzag Sawfly with Thomas Allgaier -NYS Dept of Agriculture and Markets
CREDITS: NYS DEC 2,10,3a,25,6a-1 credit, CNLP- 1 credit, ISA - TBD
DESCRIPTION: The origin, spread, lifecycle, survey, trapping and reporting of Spotted Lantern Fly, Box Tree Moth, and the Canadian detection, lifecycle and feeding damage of Elm ZigZag Sawlfly
BIO: Thomas Allgaier is the Invasive Species Coordinator for the NYS Dept. of Agriculture & Markets. With over 20 years of public service between federal and state positions dealing with invasive plant pests. Prior to his public service he worked in various landscape construction, garden center and greenhouse positions. Thom holds an associate’s degree in Ornamental Horticulture from Farmingdale State University, a Bachelor’s of science from Empire State College where he studied Environmental Biology, and a Master’s of Science degree from University of North Carolina – Wilmington where he studied Environmental Science.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022 - from Region 7
Region 7 Virtual Education Day Wednesday, February 23, 2022 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Via Zoom
Credits Available for Attendees: 1.0 CNLP Credit; Other Credits Pending
Welcoming & Introductions
Environmental Impact on Diseases of Boxwood and Other Ornamentals with Margery Daughtrey Senior Extension Associate with the Section of Plant Pathology and Plant- Microbe Biology Cornell University
Margery will be describing the link between weather and diseases for 2021. You’ve heard of the Disease Triangle—someone has been playing that triangle recently, and we have had spots and wilt and defoliation as a result. This talk will help you to understand how weather in 2021 determined which diseases happened and when. This review will help you to plan for plant protection through cultural methods and treatment applications in 2022. Some of the diseases to be covered: boxwood blight, pear trellis rust, Japanese apple rust, Cristulariella leaf spot, Beech leaf disease and anthracnoses.